Legislative Updates

The Legislative Affairs staff at ADVS provides information to the Governor’s office, Legislators, and staff, and coordinates and prepares Department legislation. Additionally, staff closely monitors all state-level legislative issues that impact the Department and/or veteran community. Lawmakers and stakeholders are encouraged to engage the Department on potential legislation. Please contact the ADVS Legislative Liaison with all inquiries, legislative questions or concerns on the current legislative session.
As a benefit to our stakeholders and community members, we provide a “Legislative Update” that shows the bills we are tracking with a brief description and all major actions taken on those bills through the legislative Session. This list is not comprehensive and may not include all bills that directly or indirectly affect the military/veteran community. Inclusion of any legislation in this report does not constitute endorsement of that legislation by the Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services.
Legislative Process and Resources
Learn more about how a bill is written, sponsored, introduced and moved through the legislative process in Arizona by downloading any of the following documents:
- From Idea to Bill to Law - This in-depth handout explains the legislative process in Arizona.
- Arizona Bill - This concise pictorial handout explains the legislative process in a simple format.
To view & read all bills in their entirety, go to: http://www.azleg.gov/bills/
To view committee agendas, go to: https://apps.azleg.gov/BillStatus/AgendaSearch
To register your position on a bill, click here for an online manual for the Request To Speak program (RTS). Please note that while the name “Request to Speak” suggests otherwise, using the RTS system does not mean you actually have to speak in support or opposition for a bill in committee hearing or attend the hearing (although, you may, if you would like).
To contact your state-level Legislator, go to: https://www.azleg.gov/findmylegislator
To contact your federal-level Legislator, go to: https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member
Review our Legislative Update reports below, conveniently dated in most-recent-first order: