Transitioning into a new job can be a financial challenge and many Arizona Veterans say that they were ready to work but financial barriers for necessary work equipment was preventing them from beginning employment. To combat that, The Arizona Department of Veterans' Services has partnered with ARIZONA@WORK and the Arizona Housing Coalition to provide Veterans with the Veteran Toolkit to help fund expenses associated with beginning employment. 

The Veteran Toolkit helps with items such as work clothing, tools, protective equipment, transportation and essential electronic devices. ADVS will review all other requests on a case-by-case basis. 

Who is Eligible?

Veterans who live in Arizona must have served in the U.S. Military and will need to identify the job they need supplies for. 

ADVS cannot accept applications submitted after five days of the Veterans starting a job.

How to Apply

Veterans interested in the Toolkit need to enroll in an Arizona Job Connection with ARIZONA@WORK. Upon enrollment, ARIZONA@WORK will help Veterans apply for the Toolkit.