The Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services provides a network of Veteran Benefits Counselors who give free information, counseling and assistance to Veterans, their dependents and survivors in matters pertaining to federal and state benefits earned by honorable service in the Armed Forces of the United States.
Who We Are
Our VBCs are fellow Veterans and civilians dedicated to helping our Arizona Veterans. VBCs operate remotely across Arizona and in each of our Arizona State Veteran Homes in Flagstaff, Phoenix, Tucson and Yuma.
All VBCs are accredited by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the American Legion.
How to Engage with a VBC
Our VBCs provide services to clients in-person, virtually, over the phone or via email.
To schedule an appointment with a VBC:
VBCs Assist Clients By:
*Educating them on eligibility requirements for benefits
*Preparing and submitting VA compensation and pension applications
*Appealing VA decisions
*Representing claimants at VA hearings
*Preparing and submitting survivor benefits applications
*Applying for discharge upgrades
*Referring claimants to other agencies for potential benefits
*Requesting military service records and certifying DD-214s (discharge paperwork)
*Discussing State Veteran Benefits
Important Information
In order to expedite the process or your claim, prior to an appointment with a VBC, review this Documents Checklist and locate the appropriate records needed to start your claim.
For virtual VBC appointments, the client will need an electronic device with a camera, internet connectivity and the ability to receive emails. A staff member will send a link to the virtual appointment via email.
If clients do not have access to the above equipment needed for a virtual appointment, a VBC can still provide services over the phone or via email.
Want to Become a VBC?
Check out the current ADVS Job Postings HERE to apply for any open positions.