Veteran Driver License
Effective September 16, 2013, ADOT implemented Arizona House Bill 2428, signed into law in 2012, allowing Veterans the option to have the VETERAN designation on their Arizona-issued driver license, commercial driver license, identification card or learner permit denoting their military service. In addition, veterans applying for an Arizona commercial driver license (CDL) will have the option to request a waiver of the skills test if they meet certain requirements.

Arizona veterans who would like the VETERAN designation placed on their driver license will need to visit an MVD office, bring their DD214 discharge document or active US military service identification card, and complete an application for an updated driver license. Review the process online HERE.
Several Military/Veteran license plates are also available from ADOT's Motor Vehicle Division, each of which provides some charitable funding to the Veterans' Donation Fund. The Veterans plate requires military/veteran documentation; the Women Veterans and Freedom plates have no current requirement for military or veteran status.
Arizona's Veterans appreciate your support of these Military/Veteran vehicle license plates.
As of January 25, 2017, you can now get your specialty license plates like these ONLINE at