Staff Spotlight: Meet SAA Education Assistant Wendy Glennon

Get to know the men and women at the Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services who serve those who sacrificed for our freedoms.
The ADVS Staff Spotlight will be published every second and fourth Friday of the month on the ADVS social media pages and website with tidbits and fun facts about our employees.
The Staff Spotlight will highlight staff from all of our departments within ADVS including our Executive staff, Veterans Services Division, Arizona Veterans’ Memorial Cemeteries, Arizona State Veteran Homes and more!
This week’s Staff Spotlight features our SAA Education Assistant Wendy Glennon!
Name: Wendy Glennon
Role at ADVS: State Approving Agency Education Assistant
When did you start at ADVS: November 30, 2020
Did you serve in the military: No
Did anyone in your family serve: Yes, several
What do you do at ADVS: As the SAA Education Assistant, I answer phone calls and monitor our 'special' email address and I assist the team with Risk Based Surveys and approvals when applicable. I also assist our Director, Jeff Escobar, with VA quarterly reporting of approvals, withdrawals, suspensions, denial letters, institution visits, etc.
Why did you decide to join ADVS: My ex-husband served in the USAF for 21 years (we were married for 23 years). During his enlistment, I served for several years as a Key Spouse providing our deployed members spouses/families with all kinds of issues/resources. I love Veterans and their families. So, working for ADVS provides me an opportunity to continue working with them.
Why is your job important to helping Arizona Veterans: Our job is to promote and safeguard quality education and training programs for all Veterans and other eligible persons, as well as to ensure greater education and training opportunities that meet the changing needs of Veterans and to protect the GI Bill® resources available for those programs.
What do you enjoy about working at ADVS: Knowing that every day we make an impact on Veterans lives. Veterans volunteer to fight for our freedoms, to protect our way of life, so working in the ADVS community allows me to give just a little bit back to them.
Outside of ADVS, what do you enjoy doing: Painting, cooking, sporting events (baseball, football, NASCAR), quilting, family/friends company
If you had any kind of superpower, what would it be: Since my extended family lives in TX and my children are leading grown lives in NE, I'd like to be able to clone myself BUT also have shared memories between my clones so I could be in several different places at once and retain the memories of the shared experiences.
Thank you for the work you do for our Arizona Veterans