Staff Spotlight: Meet Outreach Coordinator Dana West

Get to know the men and women at the Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services who serve those who sacrificed for our freedoms.
The ADVS Staff Spotlight will be published every second and fourth Friday of the month on the ADVS social media pages and website with tidbits and fun facts about our employees.
The Staff Spotlight will highlight staff from all of our departments within ADVS including our Executive staff, Veterans Services Division, Arizona Veterans’ Memorial Cemeteries, Arizona State Veteran Homes and more!
This week, we have a very special Staff Spotlight celebrating Military Appreciation Month, featuring our Central Region Outreach Coordinator, retired U.S. Army Veteran Dana West!
Name: Dana West
Role at ADVS: Central Arizona Outreach Coordinator
When did you start at ADVS: December 27, 2022
Did you serve in the military: Yes, two years as an E3 in the Army. I was in Human Intelligence Collection at Fort Bragg.
Did anyone in your family serve: Yes, both of my brothers, five cousins and an uncle also served.
What do you do at ADVS: I assist the community with connecting to ADVS programs and benefits. Whether it is Veterans, family members, or community partners I make sure people are aware of the programs and services we offer and direct them to community partners for needs outside of our services.
Why did you decide to join ADVS: ADVS' mission to serve our Veteran community is close to my heart and it has provided me the opportunity to connect with Veterans in their spaces where they are working and living in their communities. I get to be part of something bigger than myself and help bring resources where Veterans are.
Why is your job important to helping Arizona Veterans: One of the things I hear most is that Veterans don't know where to start when it comes to benefits and resources. I get to go into our community and share the resources we offer to give them a place to start whether it is just asking questions or needing an advocate.
What do you enjoy about working at ADVS: So many people ask Veterans to change or to come to them. I get to help our community understand Veterans better, I get to speak about the amazing qualities Veterans have as well as the resources and programs the state offers. I get to be a part of making life easier for Veterans to access the resources they may need to thrive.
Outside of ADVS, what do you enjoy doing: I'm a mother of 2 and love watching my oldest play football. My youngest keeps me on my toes, but I genuinely love the sisterhood I am a part of in a Female Veteran social group. I get to be around other female Veterans, who have become family. Being around them for fun, community service, or work has been the highlight of my last year. I also crochet to keep my hands busy
If you could have any superpower, what would it be: Super speed. I'm a prankster at heart, and I honestly think it'd be great to move things around and create minor inconveniences.
Thank you for the work you do for our Arizona Veterans!