Staff Spotlight: Meet AVMC-Marana Administrator Tanya Morrison

Photo of Tanya Morrison
June 12, 2024

Get to know the men and women at the Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services who serve those who sacrificed for our freedoms.

The ADVS Staff Spotlight will be published every second and fourth Friday of the month on the ADVS social media pages and website with tidbits and fun facts about our employees.

The Staff Spotlight will highlight staff from all of our departments within ADVS including our Executive staff, Veterans Services Division, Arizona Veterans’ Memorial Cemeteries, Arizona State Veteran Homes and more!

This week’s Staff Spotlight features our Arizona Veterans’ Memorial Cemetery at Marana Administrator Tanya Morrison!

 Name: Tanya Morrison

Role at ADVS: Cemetery Administrator at AVMC-Marana

When did you start at ADVS: September, 22, 2015

Did you serve in the military: No

Did anyone in your family serve: Yes, my father, grandfather, uncle and cousin were all enlisted.

What do you do at ADVS: I manage the overall operations at the Arizona Veterans’ Memorial Cemetery in Marana.

Why did you decide to join ADVS: I started out at the state Veterans' home. I wanted a career with a sense of purpose.

Why is your job important to helping Arizona Veterans: I assist Veterans and their families lay their loved ones to rest with honor and dignity.

What do you enjoy about working at ADVS: I have a chance to serve those that have served our country!!

Outside of ADVS, what do you enjoy doing: Spending time with my family. We enjoy all outdoor activities.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be: The ability to slow down time, so I could accomplish more and spend more time with my family.

Thank you for the work you do for our Arizona Veterans!