November Veterans Employment Month

September 5, 2019

November Veteran Employment MonthFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 

November 4, 2015

Governor Doug Ducey Declares November Veteran Employment Month 

PHOENIX – Governor Ducey has declared November Veteran Employment Month in honor of our military veterans and their sacrifice to our nation, and the businesses in Arizona who hire them. 

"We owe so much to our men and women in uniform -- ensuring there are employment opportunities for our veterans when they leave the service is one of the many ways we can thank them for all they have done to protect us," said Governor Doug Ducey. "I am proud of Arizona Department of Veterans' Services work collaborating with the private sector to connect service members, veterans and their families with real, quality jobs."

Watch Governor Ducey's message thanking businesses who hire Arizona's veterans or read the transcript below. 


Arizona is home to more than half a million military veterans. And we have a responsibility to serve all of them with the same commitment with which they’ve served our nation.

In addition to our gratitude and support, one of the most important things we can offer a veteran when he or she takes off the uniform, is a job. An opportunity to benefit in the civilian workforce.

And, hiring a veteran is a “win – win” situation.  They bring valuable skills, knowledge, experience, discipline and leadership to the employers who hire them.

The Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services and the Arizona Coalition for Military Families are leading the way in bringing key stakeholders together from the public and private sectors to connect service members, veterans and their families with real, quality jobs.

In recognition of this, I have proclaimed November 2015 as “Veteran Employment Month.”

It’s a way of focusing on those employers that have demonstrated they are truly “Arizona Veteran Supportive Employers.”

And I’m proud that many of our very own agencies, including the Department of Corrections and the Department of Economic Security – are among those employers.

Thank you. By hiring our veterans and their families, you’re contributing to a strong workforce, helping to build Arizona’s economy, and making our state the best place in the country for our military heroes in uniform to live, work, and do business.

Thank you. 


For more information or assistance, contact Governor Ducey's press office: 602-542-1342