Maricopa County Veteran StandDown Happening April 28th

PHOENIX - Veterans in Maricopa County experiencing homelessness or at risk of falling into homelessness are encouraged to attend the 2023 Maricopa County StandDown on Friday, April 28th at the Arizona State Fairgrounds in Phoenix.
Over 100 service providers, including the Arizona Department of Veterans' Services, will be on site to help Veterans. Other state agencies offering services includes: Municipal and Superior Courts, Motor Vehicle Division office, Social Security Administration, housing programs, VA medical services and employment assistance, haircuts, clothing, mental and behavioral health specialists. There will also be limited on site veterinary care available for the pets of Veterans.
Doors open at 7AM with services available until 4PM. Registration will be at the Wesley Bolin Building at the Arizona State Fairgrounds, 1826 West McDowell Road, Phoenix, AZ 85007.