Doing Business with ADVS


All suppliers must register in the Arizona Procurement Portal (APP) in order to be notified of and respond to solicitations, be eligible for State contracts and issuance of purchase orders, and to ensure payment for delivered goods and/or services.  ADVS cannot register suppliers; supplier profiles require personalized user information, such as User IDs and passwords.  Please be sure to fully complete the registration process, using your business name exactly as it is on file with the IRS, including business indicator and entity type information, which will be necessary for the State to award and execute procurement contracts and process payments.


Accessing the Arizona Procurement Portal (APP)


ADVS Procurement Staff

  • Elena Adame, Chief Procurement Officer                                (six-OH-two) 234-8404
  • Christina Jimenez, Sr. Procurement Specialist                         (six-OH-two) 234-8423
  • Jeff Escobar, Sr. Procurement Specialist                                  (six-OH-two) 234-8407
  • Robin Hunter, Procurement Associate                                     (six-OH-two) 248-1585
  • Tricia Mateosky, Procurement Associate                                 (five-two-OH) 638-2177


Bid Documents

The Department of Veterans' Services bid documents are available to view or download at 

Learn more about becoming an employee with the Arizona Department of Veteran Services.