Adela Buelna

Adela Buelna
Regional Compliance Director of Nursing

Organization: 9-ADVS

Adela Buelna is the Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services Regional Director of Nursing. Adela is a Registered Nurse that oversees the compliance in nursing care for all four Veteran Homes. She is responsible for maintaining the highest standards of nursing practices, policies, and regulatory standards by guiding and ensuring the quality of nursing services, treatments and interventions provided to our veterans.

Adela works with all our Veteran Homes to assure that compassion and quality of care is provided to all veterans. She supports our nursing management with ensuring efficient uses of all resources such as working as a team in developing standards of work, develops training for improvements in care and provides continued education to our nursing staff to improve the quality of care provided to our Veterans.

Adela has worked in the healthcare industry since 1998 with 12 years in Long Term Care and Skilled Long Term Facilities as a floor nurse, an MDS Coordinator, and other nursing leadership roles.

Adela is Director of Nursing-Certified and holds an Associate Degree in Applied Science in Nursing from Glendale Community College.