Internal Mgmt Policies
- IMP 00-01 Email Usage - REVISED 2021-05-12.pdf
- IMP 00-02 Internet Usage - REVISED 2021-05-12.pdf
- IMP 07-01 Tribal Consultation Policy - REVISED 2021-05-12.pdf
- IMP 08-01 Gift Acceptance - REVISED 2021-05-12.pdf
- IMP 13-01 Mobile Device Usage and Security - REVISED 2021-05-12.pdf
- IMP 13-02 Violence in the Workplace.pdf
- IMP 13-03 Hazardous Substance in the Workplace.pdf
- IMP 14-01 Public Records Management and Retention.pdf
- IMP 15-01 Dress Code - REVISED 2021-05-12.pdf
- IMP 16-01 Employee Time Entry REVISED 2021-05-12.pdf
- IMP 19-01 Agency Compensation Plan REVISED 04292022 - signed.pdf
- IMP 19-02 Domicile to Duty.pdf
- IMP 20-01 Paid Administrative Leave.pdf
- IMP 21-01 Remote Work NEW 2021-09-09.pdf
- IMP 21-02 Fingerprint Clearance Card - signed 2021-11-02.pdf
- IMP 21-03 Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace 2-2025.pdf
- IMP 22-01 Weekend Premium Pay - NEW 2022-01-08.pdf
- IMP 23-01 Step Pay Plans - NEW 2023-04-01.pdf
- IMP 25-01 Conflict of Interest 1-2025.pdf
- IMP 87-02 Unlawful Discrimination and Harassment - Complaint Process - 2019-05-01.pdf
- IMP 87-05 New Employee Orientation NEW Policy.pdf
- IMP 89-01 Employee Issued State Property NEW Policy.pdf
- IMP 89-06 Covered Employee Grievance Process - 2019-05-01.pdf
- IMP 90-01 Donated Annual Leave 3-2021 - REVISED 2021-05-12.pdf
- IMP 95-01 ADA Accommodations 4-2021 - REVISED 2021-05-12.pdf
- IMP 96-03 Shift Differential Pay 3-2020 - REVISED 2021-05-12.pdf
- IMP 96-06 Alternative Work Schedules Revised 3-2021 - REVISED 2021-05-12.pdf
- IMP 97-03 Modified Duty 4-2021 - signed.pdf
- IMP 98-01 Industrial, Injuries and Illnesses - REVISED 2021-05-12.pdf
- IMP 98-02 Employee Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens - REVISED 2021-05-17.pdf
- IMP 98-03 Weapons on State Property - 2019-02-22.pdf
- IMP 99-03 Family and Medical Leave 4-2021 - REVISED 2021-05-12.pdf