David Barrientos

David Barrientos
ADD, ASVH-Yuma Administrator

Organization: 7-ADVS

David Barrientos is a Nursing Home Administrator responsible for oversight of the Arizona State Veteran Home-Yuma.

In 2012, David started as a CNA in long-term care and eventually presented with the opportunity to train to become an Administrator.  He now has ten years of healthcare experience across three different states.  By starting as a frontline staff member and working his way up, he has firsthand experience on the duties and challenges across all departments, so he sets realistic expectations to set his team up for success.

David went to Grinnell College in Iowa and earned a bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry because of his passion for healthcare. He also has experience in politics, law, and government.  David is proud to be working in long-term care because his role as an Administrator allows him to utilize his knowledge and interests in order to help support Veterans, residents, staff, their friends and family members, and community partners.